Beyond the AI Hype

Enterprise AI with MS Copilot

Wednesday, May 29th

Starts at 10:00AM EST


Beyond The AI Hype

Enterprise AI with MS Copilot

Wednesday, May 29th

Starts at 8:30AM EST

AI is more than just hype – it is a game-changing force

AI is dramatically reshaping industries and driving innovation. While some organizations have been reluctant to move forward due to concerns about security, legal implications, resource constraints, technical debt, or timing, we believe now is the time to embrace AI and seize the competitive advantage it offers. 
We understand the challenges that come with adopting new technologies, and that’s precisely why you need a trusted partner on your AI journey.  Our team of experts is well-versed in navigating the complexities of AI implementation, ensuring that your transition is smooth, secure, and tailored to your unique business needs.

Featured Speakers:

Chuck Russell
Co-Founder and Senior Partner
Charles Nordine
Senior Partner

Discussion Topics:

Ai Mastery

Our AI gurus live and breathe the latest advancements, algorithms, and applications, ensuring you have access to cutting-edge solutions that drive real business impact.

Bullet Proof Security

We take a proactive stance on cybersecurity, implementing robust measures to safeguard your AI systems and data from potential threats.

Data-Driven Insights

Our data wizards will help you unlock the true potential of your data assets, extracting valuable insights that fuel intelligent decision-making and drive your AI strategies.

Seamless Integration

Our specialists excel at integrating AI with your existing processes and technologies, minimizing disruptions and maximizing efficiency.

Tailored Approach

We understand that every organization is unique, which is why we take a personalized approach, crafting AI strategies that align with your specific goals, resources, and challenges.

Free AI Policy Template!

Get started with this editable template covering an initial set of assumptions and areas of concern for managing, securing, and approving AI usage in your IT organization.
(Upon attending the webinar, participants will receive the AI policy template via email for their reference and implementation.)

Don’t let hesitation hold you back from unlocking the transformative power of AI.

Partner with Collective Intelligence and let us be your guide on this exciting journey.  Together, we will navigate the complexities, mitigate risks, and position your organization for sustained success in the AI-driven future.

Register Now

Wednesday: May 29, 2024

Starts at 10:00AM EST

Beyond the AI Hype

Enterprise AI with MS Copilot

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